Entrepreneurial Finance: Fundamentals of Financial Planning and Management for Small Business by M. J. AlhabeebISBN: 9781118691519
Publication Date: 2015-02-02
Featuring key topics within finance, small businessmanagement, and entrepreneurship to develop and maintain prosperousbusiness ventures With a comprehensive and organized approach to fundamentalfinancial theories, tools, and management techniques,Entrepreneurial Finance: Fundamentals of Financial Planning andManagement for Small Business equips readers with the necessaryfundamental knowledge and advanced skills to succeed in small firmand business settings. With a unique combination of topics fromfinance, small business management, and entrepreneurship, the bookprepares readers for the challenges of today?s economy. Entrepreneurial Finance: Fundamentals of Financial Planning andManagement for Small Business begins with key concepts of smallbusiness management and entrepreneurship, including managementtools and techniques needed to establish, run, and lead businessventures. The book then delves into how small businesses areoperated, managed, and controlled. General finance skills andmethods are integrated throughout, and the book alsofeatures: Numerous practical examples and scenarios that provide areal-world perspective on entrepreneurship and small businessmanagement A brief summary, list of key concepts, and ten discussionquestions at the end of each chapter to prepare readers for thechallenges of today's economy A practical guide to the complete life of a small business,from establishing a new venture to training and developing youngentrepreneurs tasked with maintaining and developing a prosperouseconomy An in-depth discussion of the entire process of writing asuccessful business plan, including the rationale, significance,and requirements Techniques needed to solidify the free enterprise tradition,develop entrepreneurial strategies, and grow small businesses Entrepreneurial Finance: Fundamentals of Financial Planning andManagement for Small Business is an ideal textbook forupper-undergraduate and first-year graduate courses inentrepreneurial finance within business, economics, managementscience, and public administration departments. The book isalso useful for MBA-level courses as well as for business andmanagement PhD majors as a resource in methodology. The book isalso an idea reference for entrepreneurs, business managers, marketanalysts, and decision makers who require information about thetheoretical and quantitative aspects of entrepreneurial finance.