Service Alert
Erica Hennig (Library Director)- 252-940-6243
Trina Cobb (Library Technician)- 252-940-6358
Anthony Arcangeli (Information Services Librarian)- 252-940-6288
Circulation Desk- 252-940-6282/
Marshall Hall (Audiovisual Coordinator)- 252-940-6310
Library Assistants- Ed Hodges, John Britt, Sue Britt
Audiovisual Assistants- Killian Poplyk, Robert Clark
Work-Study Library Assistant- Haley Mondragon
The Beaufort County Community College dedicated its library in honor of Louise R. Lester on February 17, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. The public was invited to attend. The ceremony was on BCCC’s campus in the Library & Early College High School Building. The naming acknowledged a generous donation from The Louise R. Lester Foundation. The Louise R. Lester Library is used as a study and research space by students and hosts curricular programs for students and programs for the public. It is equipped with a computer lab used for proctored tests, reservable rooms for studying, and spaces for group work, but it also offers a center for students to unwind between classes.
“On behalf of the Lester Foundation, we are honored by the naming of the BCCC Library after our aunt Louise Lester. Education was one of her passions, and she would be excited today to see this library and its role in the education of the next generation. The Foundation has welcomed the opportunity to partner with BCCC in the past, providing scholarships for 63 worthy students. This partnership has led to the establishment of the Louise R. Lester Endowment to continue serving students in the future. We are looking forward to the growth of BCCC, its students and their contributions to the Beaufort County community. The Foundation is so pleased to be a part of this,” said Elaine Zopp, President of The Louise R. Lester Foundation.
The purpose of The Louise R. Lester Foundation is to support nonprofit religious, scientific, literary, humanitarian or educational organizations. Visit to find out more.