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Distance Education

Resources & services for distance learning

Blackboard Tech Support: Need Help? Start Here!

  • Use Chrome for best results (Safari for Mac users). Firefox and Edge are also compatible. Using other browsers may result in navigation and content access issues. 
  • Use the Browser Checker to see if your browser supports the most recent release of Blackboard.

If you are having technical issues, follow the steps below before contacting support. Most of the time, completing these steps will fix the issue.

  1. Log out of your current browser.
  2. Open your Chrome browser.
  3. Make sure Chrome is up-to-date.
  4. Clear Chrome cache and cookies.
  5. If your device has a Windows operating system, make sure Windows is up-to-date.

After completing these steps, log back in to Blackboard to see if the issue has resolved. If not, try the next step below.

  1. Try a different browser. Please use the most current browser versions:

Still Need Help?: More Blackboard Tech Support

For assistance with Blackboard during working hours, please contact the appropriate support:

*Note: For assistance with IT services (Blackboard login/password issues, Microsoft 365/email, Self Service, etc.), please contact IT Support at:


For after-hours support, please visit the Blackboard Help Desk.

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